Partner with Us
Maryland READS welcomes the engagement of foundation and corporate partners in solving our reading crisis.
We are on a mission to ensure that Maryland's children are proficient in reading. The current state of reading in Maryland is unacceptable, and we need your help to change it.
Join our movement as we raise $2 million to support our three-year seven-part action plan.
Interested? Please contact us to discuss how your organization can play a leadership role in creating a thriving reading ecosystem in our state.
Partner with us today!

Shift Our Approach
Embrace the Science of Reading across our state. Prioritize teaching approaches and tactics that are rooted in Science of Reading research and evidence.22
Improve Instruction
Improve core reading instruction, by giving our existing teachers consistent, comprehensive, and job-embedded professional learning opportunities coupled with high-quality research-based instructional materials.
Build Better Data and Progress Monitoring Systems
Improve how we collect, select, and analyze data and how we train educators to use it to monitor student progress so they can identify students who are struggling to read as early as possible and provide immediate, targeted, and effective support.
Intervene Early and Effectively for All Students
Provide interventions for struggling readers at all levels, from the early elementary years all the way through high school, because students of all ages are still acquiring and refining reading skills.
Develop Leadership Capacity
Train our principals and those who supervise them in the Science of Reading so they understand the research, how teachers are being asked to change their practices, and how they can create supportive environments that help teachers become more effective.
Create a Thriving Reading Ecosystem
Build a thriving reading ecosystem that includes a coherent state system of support, community resources that encourage and nourish research-based strategies for students, and education and advice for parents so they can also reinforce what districts are doing to help children become thriving readers
Invest in the Next Generation
Prepare the next generation of teachers and administrators. Align teacher preparation programs to the Science of Reading, ensure that all elements of Balanced Literacy and Whole Language Instruction are removed from the curriculum, inspire faculty to improve reading instruction curriculum, and hold their leaders accountable for progress.
Sign up to stay connected or volunteer to join our movement!