Harford County Profile


Harford County Reading Profile

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    How are Students Doing in Your County?

    Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program (MCAP)

    The Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program (MCAP) provides information to educators, families and the public on the progress students and schools are making on the Maryland state content standards, while fulfilling federal and state assessment requirements. 

    Students demonstrate their reading comprehension and literacy skills by responding to oral (for younger students), text-based questions and writing prompts. 

    To learn more about the MCAP, click the link below.

    2022 MCAP English Language Arts Proficiency Rates
    Grades 3 - 10

    All Students: MCAP Administrative Data Report Card

    Grade Level MCAP Proficiency Data for Your County
    3rd Grade 2795 1637 58.6 41.4
    4th Grade 2667 1580 59.2 40.8
    5th Grade 2801 1332 47.6 52.4
    6th Grade 2764 1589 57.5 42.5
    7th Grade 2771 1483 53.5 46.5
    8th Grade 2869 1466 51.1 48.9
    9th Grade n/a n/a n/a n/a
    10th Grade 3012 1781 59.1 40.9
    * To access the ELA Report Card for a specific grade, click on the grade you want to review in the first column.
    State Report Card

    The Maryland Report Card is part of our state’s accountability system that measures school and local education agency performance.  This system includes county and school level data.

    The County Report Card

    On the Maryland Public Schools Report Card website, you can select a report card for your county.  Keep in mind that the “academic achievement” indicator is a combination of English Language Arts and Math.  

    To learn about just reading proficiency in your district, refer to the table on this page labeled “Grade Level MCAP Proficiency Data for Your County.”

    Find Your School Report Card

    On the state’s website, you can also select a report card for individual schools.  The school report card provides more detail on English Language Arts, Math, Science, and a well-rounded curriculum.

    What makes up the  “academic achievement” for English Language Arts? The two data points reflect

    • Percent of Students Proficient in English Language Arts AND
    • Average Student Performance Level for English Language Arts

    What makes up the “academic progress” indicator for English Language Arts:

    • Student Growth Percentile in English Language Arts

    How is Your County Addressing Reading?

    LEA Blueprint Application

    In order to receive funds under the Blueprint, school districts were required to submit an application.  In the section aligned to Pillar 3, you can find information about your district’s plans and approach for improving reading in the section on English Language Arts.

    Maryland Leads Grant Award

    The Maryland Leads grant initiative was designed to support LEAs in overcoming learning loss resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. The grant initiative centered around seven high-leverage strategies and LEAs had to select at least two focus areas in their application. Key to the Maryland Leads grant initiative is the emphasis on the Science of Reading. Those that chose to implement a comprehensive plan aligned to the Science of Reading were granted access to a greater amount of grant funding. MSDE Maryland Leads Guidance Doc.pdf

    Who has Responsibility for Reading Your County?

    Hartford County Council

    State and local governments share responsibility for funding Maryland’s public schools.  County funding for school districts, which can represent more than 50% of a school district’s budget, is distributed by the county council to the school board.

    Superintendent of Schools

    Sean W. Bulson, Ed.D.

    Start: July 1, 2018
    End: June 30, 2026

    Sean W. Bulson Ed.D. / Bio & Background
    Board of Education

    The boards of education carries out three primary functions:

    Executive Role: Local boards are charged with administering the operation of schools within their district. They oversee day-to-day management, personnel decisions, and resource allocation.

    Legislative Role: Boards establish educational policies for their county school system. They work in conjunction with state and federal laws, as well as regulations set by the State Board of Education.

    Judicial Role: Local boards mediate disputes arising from the twenty-four independent local school systems in Maryland.

    Who is Reading Resource in Your County?


    We are working hard to identify the organizations in your county that make up your local reading ecosystem.  Is there a group missing from our list?  Please let us know!

    Decoding Dyslexia Local Chapter