STATEMENT: Maryland READS NAEP Statement
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Today, Marylanders can be cautiously optimistic about the progress we are making as we work together to tackle our state’s reading crisis. Maryland halted our decade-long decline in 4th-grade reading test scores and changed its downward trajectory. We are beginning to see early improvement in reading proficiency scores. This victory, though small, is a testament to our collective effort and a reason to take pride in how far we’ve come.
We are mindful that this is just the beginning – and that these test scores do not tell the whole story of Maryland’s collective effort to tackle our reading crisis. Our mission is far from complete, as the continued decline in 8th-grade reading scores reminds us. We also have a long way to go to close the gaps that exist in student performance, including persistent low performance for many student groups. Our state and community leaders are taking bold action and operating with a sense of urgency to build an effective system of support.
We should not rest until Maryland children have the literacy skills they need to thrive in school and in life. With unwavering commitment and a clear vision, we know that 95% of students—regardless of background— are capable of success through structured literacy. The road ahead is long, but today, we take a step forward together, inspired by the progress we’ve made and determined to finish the work we’ve started.
While the NAEP scores are nowhere close to being acceptable, we must keep in mind that they are just a snapshot of reading proficiency rates at one point in time. As Maryland READS prepares to release The State of Reading in Maryland 2025, we are closely examining the work our state has undertaken in the last several years to close the literacy gap in Maryland schools, and we are encouraged by what we see. There is a committed state leadership team harnessing the momentum and determination from our communities to end the reading crisis.
From a foundational standpoint, we are moving in the right direction. State leaders have taken major steps to provide a system of support for our schools. They have implemented evidence-based policies that promote systemic change. State leaders have embraced the Science of Reading to improve instruction, developed a comprehensive statewide literacy policy, and are providing educator training and assessment and investing in coaching. At Maryland READS we are committed to advancing thriving reading ecosystems that provide opportunities for children and families to build skills, gain access to resources, and engage in reading activities outside of the classroom. As a state, we are well on our way.
The path ahead requires sustained dedication and hard work from everyone involved in our communities, not just educators. Closing the literacy gap will take coordinated, persistent effort from all of us – educators, administrators, policymakers, families, and community partners working together with clear purpose and determination.
Maryland can close the literacy gap. It is going to take hard work and we all have a role to play to ensure that Maryland reads.
4th Grade NAEP Reading Results for Maryland
Maryland’s 4th grade reading scores increased from 212 to 216.
Maryland’s State ranking increased:
In 2022, 40 states ranked above MD, 12 states ranked below MD.
In 2024, 20 states rank above MD, 33 states rank below MD.
Maryland rose from below the national average to above the national average.
Note: We continue to monitor Mississippi’s performance and note the increase in their score and ranking.
8th Grade NAEP Reading Results for Maryland
Maryland’s 8th grade reading scores decreased from 259 to 258.
Maryland’s State ranking increased:
In 2022, 25 states ranked above MD, 27 states ranked below MD.
In 2024, 21 states rank above MD, 32 states rank below MD.
Maryland rose from resting at the national average to just above the national average.
Our downward slide is slowing its pace.
About Maryland READS
Maryland READS is a non-profit organization that was founded to end the literacy crisis in Maryland. Based on the most current rigorous research and evidence of impact, Maryland READS focuses on three proven paths to closing the literacy gap: improving reading instruction in the classroom through the Science of Reading; creating thriving community-based reading ecosystems outside the classroom; and addressing barriers that prevent students from becoming proficient readers like addictive technology. Through collaboration and strategic partnerships, Maryland READS is building a powerful statewide network to provide community leaders with a place to engage, share best practices, advocate and shape their action plans to ensure all children have the literacy skills necessary for success in school and beyond. Learn more about our growing reading network at